Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Huhhhhh...What a relief

Hoorayyyy.... Exam almost come to an end. Baru 2 hari tuuuuuu.
If we've prepared well for this D-day, we should be pleased that we are reaping what we've sowed this far. YOU, me include, must have a good field days answering papers while farting (Courtesy of Adib's comment in my blog). How convenient.

I know as usual there are among us who sat and staring the papers with blank. You must be full of regret for not putting yr heart to face the D-Day. I hope you can still make up with whatever papers you still have left before the exam ends.

To everybody that I know, just stay focus and try to put yr best effort. InsyaALLAH everything will turn alright.


top the pop said...

today is the fourth !!
next week..

owwwhhh baaaalliikk kggg..,
owwwhh baallikk kggg,
owhhh baliikkk kg,,

hati MESTI HAPPY!!!Weeeee

zeff said...

disebabkan ko rajin komen orang aku pun komen ko balik

zeff said...

dan lagi

zeff said...

nak lagi?? kekekek

zeff said...

k dah nih last.. sikit2 sudah

Ko_Kenal said...

Eiyyyyyy Zeff,

Good to see your giving feedback & comments. Please, please I mean no offence BUT whatever we do, please we should enjoy doing them then you will feel theraupatic taking pressure out of us.

Hope to see more comment from you..


Ko_Kenal said...

Eiyyyyy Adib,

Good to see that you are very happy now as the exam is about to finish.

BUT forget not, we are all student. Learning and acquiring knowledge and telling knowledge we have acquired through exam is all about being student.

We should continue learning and acquiring knowledge at all the time even during the holidays.
